Simple Realistic Shading for Doom Eternal


ID Software (for created this great game)
Timothy Lottes (EPIC)
Reshade Team (Crosire, CeeJay, Marty McFly, Thalixte, Ganossa/Hawk, Bacondither, Ioxa, Otis, Jose Negrete, et al. ~

What is this?

A simple Reshade preset and shaders pack for DOOM ETERNAL (Vulkan API).
This preset would give you beyond ultra mimic even with medium-high in-game graphic settings.
It’s NOT using heavy or complex  shaders (e.g AO, HDR, Ambient Light, etc); just simple shaders and JUST MIMIC!


Download link :
You can download it from here (Note: this is a lite version) :

How to install (Read it carefully!)

  1.  Make sure you already installed the proper Vulkan driver that bundled with your graphic card driver.
  2.  Clean-up or move your previous Reshade (dxgi.dll, reshade.ini, reshade-shaders folder, also my previous version of Reshade preset and shaders pack) from your game folder before install this mod.
  3.  Download and install Reshade 4.5.4 (or newer) from Reshade Official Page (
  4. In Reshade installer Welcome windows DO NOT select any-game, just straight choose and click on “Enable/Disable Reshade Vulkan globally (affects all Vulkan games)”
  5. After that, put a check mark on “”Enable Reshade Vulkan globally (affects all Vulkan games)” , this is very important or Reshade Vulkan won’t run properly . Check out this screenshot below:

  6. After Enable Reshade Vulkan global, close Reshade Installer by click on X icon at the top right corner to close Reshade installer.Open Windows Explorer. Go to Folder Option and then unhide System Folder (C:\ProgramData) by choose “Show hidden files, folders and drives“)
  7. Extract zipped Simple Realistic files into the folder: C:\ProgramData\ReShade as shown below:
  8. Take a deep breath. Pray for a while, then run the game. I hope this works for you! :)
  9. Enjoy it! :)

How to uninstall

Run Reshade installer once again, and give unchecked on “Enable Rehade Vulkan Global settings“. That’s it!

Command Keys:

INSERT: Toggle Effects ON/OFF (default is ON)
PAUSE : Toggle real-time side by side comparison (left = vanilla; right = with Mod)
END: open Reshade UI overlay menu/editor (you may adjust Color Saturation, Dark Levels, Light Intensity from here)

I hope you like this!

Stay safe at home!! :)

Chris Rubino

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