Mafia 3 Simple Realistic Mod V1.2 showcase


Actually, I already forget this game; until my old buddy dropped me a Whatsapp message. He asked me to make a mod for Mafia 3, since he just got a Mafia 3 newest DLC: Faster, Baby!.

Mafia 3 Realistic Mod : The Improvement

As long as I can remember; Mafia 3 was made me very disappointed at its first release date; the images were so blurry. I don’t know why. It’s very different with their presentation at E3 2016.
Therefore, I was trying to un-blurry the images with this mod.  I also tweaked the lighting and shadows slightly. And give a small change on color tones. It made overall images look more realistic.

Yes, it’s jump to version 1.2. Since I’ve made the older version (1.0 and 1.1) just before I have this ugly blog. ;)


Click on picture to zoom it.

Mafia 3 Realistic Mod
Indoor Realistic Lighting


Mafia 3 Realistic Mod
Realistic Lighting at Noon


Mafia 3 Realistic Mod
Afternoon Scene


Mafia 3 Realistic mod
Night Scene


Mafia 3 Realistic Mod - Night Scene
Night and Rainy Scene


What do you think guys?
Not so bad, isn’t it? :)

Stay tuned, I will upload this mod as soon as it finished. Now this mod is still WIP.


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